
Little big adventure wikipedia
Little big adventure wikipedia

little big adventure wikipedia

Even though the Magi can phase through objects, he still physically buried himself and dug himself out.After Finn's hat knocks BMO off his stool (about the 3-minute mark), the snail appears just to the right of and behind the stool.Ancient Sleeping Magi of Life Giving's father (Mentioned and pictured).Ancient Sleeping Magi of Life Giving's mother (Mentioned and pictured).


Finn tells Jake that he needs a new hat, Jake replies "Okay, lets go skin an evil bear" and they walk away, with Finn still in his underwear.

little big adventure wikipedia

The Magi does so and Finn tells his hat that the Magi is his father, and tells the Magi to take care of his hat. Finn feels sympathy towards his hat and asks the Magi to bring him back good. Afterwards, he takes back all of their life energy. He then orders the objects to capture Finn's hat and they soon succeeded. The Magi then starts thinking about his mommy, who showered him in love, and begins giving life to objects that then wanted to give hugs, including Finn's pajamas, which after they come off Finn, Finn is left in nothing but his red-and-white underwear again. Jake then convinces him to think something positive. Finn and Jake convince the Magi to use his powers to help them, but he refuses and says he only turns things evil because he is always thinking about how mean his father was to him. Little Dude then climbs up and possesses the Gumball Guardian, who then starts breathing fire and firing lasers at the Candy Kingdom. One of the projectiles hits a Gumball Guardian which then alerts everyone of the evil presence. They find the hat, which soon starts to fight them, throwing horses, trash cans, flagpoles and Candy People. Soon, Finn, Jake, and the Magi come looking for Finn's hat. In the Candy Kingdom, a Candy Person walks into an alley where Finn's hat jumps on his head and warps his body into a grotesque, muscular form. BMO tells them from upstairs that the hat got away and went to the Candy Kingdom. The Magi then explains that the hat was evil, as is anything he touches. The Magi then gets in the house by way of a broken window, but Finn and Jake catch him. Meanwhile, the Ancient Sleeping Magi of Life Giving finds the Tree Fort.Īs Finn and Jake are getting ready for bed, the Magi climbs to the roof of the Tree Fort, and Finn tells Jake that something's crawling up the house, but Jake says that it is probably just Ice King. Jake laughs at this saying "Haha, BMO hit ya on the butt!". As the pair leave the room, BMO slaps Finn on the butt. The two start getting ready for bed as BMO had suggested. Little Dude continues to do the same thing (eating) to the other foods, until Jake catches it. Jake enlarges his nose and sniffs the sausage and agrees with Finn. Finn quickly grabs one and sniffs it, suddenly exclaiming that Little Dude had turned it into poo. Once he gets out, he starts to eat the sausages which just come out off his bottom end, apparently unchanged. Finn and Jake both grab a sausage each and dip them in milk, while Little Dude struggles to get out from under the bowl. Finn heads to the table and places a bowl on Little Dude so that Jake and himself can eat, BMO then tells them to not touch anything until he finishes cooking.

little big adventure wikipedia

BMO says that he thinks Finn kept better company and Finn states that Little Dude was just excited. Finn then introduces Little Dude to BMO, but upon seeing the chef hat on BMO's head Little Dude bites Finn and jumps on BMO's head, making him fall. When Finn and Jake arrive at the Tree Fort, BMO is cooking dinner for them. Jake takes a liking to it and Finn names it " Little Dude." They head back to the Tree Fort, but when they leave, the Ancient Sleeping Magi of Life Giving digs himself out off the ground and starts following them. Finn is startled at first, and tells the hat to relax. As Finn tries put on his hat, it starts moving and grunting. Jake then says that he wants sausages, he then gets his Sassage Flare, (which Lady Rainicorn told him to only use in emergencies) hoping BMO will see his message. When they finally succeed, they decide to get out of the water. Finn and Jake start swimming in circles to create a swirl.

little big adventure wikipedia

While they are swimming, the flower touches Finn's hat, and shines a bright light inside it. Finn and Jake then jump into the pond to swim. Jake trips and falls and Finn catches up, in just his underpants, and throws his clothes to the ground and throws his hat near a flower. Jake says that they should race to the swimming hole, then Finn argues that Jake is cheating because he has to take his clothes off, and reveal his red-and-white underwear. The episode starts off with Finn and Jake running through the candy forest to find the swimming hole Jake mentioned to Finn. Finn's hat causes problems after it is brought to life by the Ancient Sleeping Magi of Life Giving.

Little big adventure wikipedia